Jamberoo Public School began training in the HOW2Learn DEC initiative in 2015. Then-principal Suzanne Hammond-Warne and teacher Justine Doorn-McCormack attended trainer workshops in 2015 and then returned to school to teach Jamberoo staff about HOW2Learn in staff meetings. This has continued to the present, with ongoing professional development through HOW2Learn sessions being a feature of staff meetings to the present, and with teachers integrating what they have learnt in staff meetings in their classrooms. From 2015, Jamberoo students also began learning about HOW2Learn, in particular, the 20 habits of highly effective learners.
- Rationale and background
HOW2Learn is a strategy that allows schools to focus on what matters most in schools: learning.
‘More has been learned about the brain in the last ten years than in the two hundred before that'. Bill Lucas
HOW2Learn is based on research from leading educationalists and psychologists from around the world, including:
- Professor Bill Lucas
- Professor Guy Claxton
- Professor Carol Dweck
- Professor Stephen Dinham
- Michael Fullan
- John Hattie
Learning to Learn is a Key Goal in a 21st Century Curriculum.
Research has shown it is possible to help young people become better learners.
- In cognitive science a revolution has taken place in the way we think of ‘intelligence'.
- There is not a fixed mental resource you are born with that sets a ceiling on what you can learn.
- Everyone can get smarter by developing their learnacy (to use Guy Claxton's term).
- Lauren Resnick defines intelligence simply as ‘the sum total of your habits of mind' – and habits grow and change.
- Research has also shown that when teachers encourage their students to talk more the process of learning, their attitudes and their achievements improve within a term.
- Content is still important but it sits alongside process – the how and why.
- We need to build the confidence to ask questions, to think carefully, to use intuition and imagination.
- We can build resilience by making difficulty more interesting and confusion less shameful.
Learning for life is the main goal!
- We are creating a powerful culture of learning, which puts learning at the centre
- We are learning about learners – challenging beliefs and perceptions of intelligence and learning
- We are developing our 'habits worth developing' – empowering all learners with the language, habits and dispositions that promote successful learning
- Teachers are developing teaching practices that accelerate learning for all.
Rationale and background (DOCX 347KB)
Practices that accelerate learning (DOCX 740KB)