Bullying and Harassment
Anti-Bullying and Harassment
Bullying is serious and will not be tolerated at Jamberoo Public School.
Students have the right to expect that they will spend the school day free from fear of bullying, harassment and intimidation. Bullying must be taken seriously and it is not accepted in any form.
- Devalues, isolates and frightens.
- Affects an individual's ability to achieve.
- Has long term effects on those engaging in bullying behaviours, those who are the subjects of bullying behaviour and may have an effect on the onlookers or by-standers.
Bullying can be defined as intentional, ‘one off' incidents or repeated behaviour by an individual or group of individuals that causes distress, hurt or undue pressure.
Examples of bullying behaviour are:
- Verbal - name calling, teasing, abuse, putdowns, sarcasm, insults, threats.
- Physical - hitting, punching, kicking, scratching, tripping, spitting.
- Social - ignoring, excluding, ostracising, alienating, making inappropriate gestures.
- Psychological - spreading rumours, dirty looks, hiding or damaging possessions, malicious SMS and email messages, inappropriate use of camera phones and other forms of technology.
Students, teachers, parents, caregivers and members of the wider school community have a shared responsibility to create a safe and happy environment, free from all forms of bullying.
Students can expect to
- Know their concern will be responded to by school staff.
- Be provided with appropriate support (for both the subjects of and those responsible for the behaviour).
- Take part in learning experiences that address key understandings and skills relating to positive relationships, safety, gender equity, discrimination, bullying and harassment.
Students have a responsibility to
- Behave appropriately, respecting individual differences and diversity.
- Respect others and follow the school anti-bullying guidelines.
- Respond to incidents of bullying according to their school anti-bullying guidelines.
Parents and caregivers have a responsibility to
- Support their children in all aspects of their learning.
- Be aware of the school anti-bullying guidelines and assist their children in understanding bullying behaviour.
- Support their children in developing positive responses to incidents of bullying consistent with the school anti-bullying guidelines.
- Support all students of the school to deal effectively with bullying through the strategies of the anti-bullying guidelines.
Teachers have a responsibility to
- Respect and support students in all aspects of their learning.
- Model appropriate behaviour.
- Respond in an appropriate and timely manner to incidents of bullying according to the anti-bullying guidelines.
- Teach the social skills/anti-bullying program.
- Monitor students responsible for bullying and students who are being bullied.
Jamberoo Public School Guidelines for all Students
If someone makes you feel hurt, frightened or uncomfortable you do not have to put up with it - take action
- Give a verbal warning - ask them to stop. Tell them you do not want to be bullied or harassed.
- Tell someone you can trust. This may be a friend, a parent, a teacher or a school counsellor.
- Request assistance through your classroom teacher or a member of the Executive.
- Stay calm, confident, positive and assertive. Be prepared to report further bullying.
Guidelines for all Parents
If your child complains to you that she/he has been bullied or harassed, do not let them put up with it - take appropriate action and approach the school for assistance. Start with the class teacher.
- Respond in a calm, positive, confident, supportive manner. Be sure that your child knows that she/he can confide in you.
- Watch for possible signs that indicate that your child may be being bullied or harassed.
- Not wanting to go to school, complaints of sickness.
- Bruises or scrapes they are reluctant to talk about.
- Withdrawal, moodiness or temper tantrums.
- Distinct personality changes.
- Disturbed sleep.
Parents should not approach other students to discuss their concerns - let the school deal with the bully.
Guidelines for all Staff
If someone reports to you that they are being bullied or harassed, do not let them put up with it - take action.
- Respond in a calm, positive, confident, supportive and sensitive manner.
- Document the incident and notify the victim's classroom teacher and/or her/his supervisor.
- Discuss the situation with both parties and try to find a solution.
- Inform both parties of the options for resolution available i.e. mediation, or further serious follow up if the behaviour persists.
- Monitor and follow up to ensure the incident has been resolved. Refer to counsellor if necessary for referral to mediation or disciplinary action.
- Ensure both sets of parents are informed for discussion, interview or follow up.
Out of school hours community and family information sessions where Staff and members of the community (example Police) are invited to talk and provide information on this very serious matter are published when available. Topics also include 'Cyber Bullying' - an area the students will cover as one of their subjects in Personal Development. Please also take the time to read Cyber Smart - the government initiative that supports this program.
Anti-Bullying presentations to the school students are also included as in-school activities. This becomes part of a program taught to K-6 students. Anti-bullying is included as part of the curriculum for all classes in Term 1.