At Jamberoo School we have eight chickens as part of our school's commitment to teaching our students about ways to be sustainable in our daily lives. The chickens benefit from us by eating scraps from students' leftovers, as well as other scraps that families bring in for them and by having their nesting boxes filled with shredded paper from the school's office. They free range during the day on school days and find lots of goodies in the gardens to eat. In return, we have the opportunity to benefit from the chooks by collecting their eggs and using their manure in our compost heap. It is a mutually beneficial relationship!
A dedicated group of students, from Stage 2 and 3, care for our chooks by cleaning out their pen, changing their water and letting them out in the morning and putting them to bed at the end of the day. These students also get the enviable task of collecting eggs. We call this group the Chook Roster students.
On Fridays, students sell our eggs for a $5.00 donation per dozen at our whole school assembly. They taste delicious! We use this money to buy chicken feed and anything else we need.